“More is missed by not looking, than by not knowing!”
Thomas McCrae, 1870-1935
Animal Dental Care Specialists provides diagnostic and treatment services related to veterinary dentistry. Since oral disease often extends into other areas of the head, we also specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of other associated areas of the head (except for the eye).
Services offered:
High definition Photography & Video: ADCS routine take images of each case to supplement the medical record, to review during treatment planning, and to monitor case progression.
Oral Endoscopy: The thorough visual oral examination of horses, and other herbivores with elongated faces, can be challenging under ideal conditions. For example, A pinhole sized cavity in an equine cheek tooth can cause a tooth root abscess, and the last cheek tooth is positioned in the mouth underneath the eye. Imagine trying to identify a small cavity on the last cheek tooth. Examination with a rigid endoscope allows for detailed visualization of dental and oral tissues of the mouth. The oral endoscope can also be used to supervise instrument placement during oral procedures, and both video and photography are captured by our Oral Endoscope.
Radiology: Since teeth, the jaws, and the head are primarily comprised of hard tissues, radiography is an essential diagnostic tool in veterinary dentistry. ADCS currently uses 3 different digital radiography systems, and we can image the heads and teeth of patients sized from guinea pigs to horse to lions & tigers.

Rhinoscopy & Sinoscopy: ADCS uses human bronchoscopes to exam and to perform minimally invasive diagnostic and treatment procedures in the nasal passages and sinuses. While we routinely examine the pharynx, larynx, and guttural pouches of horse as part of the upper respiratory diagnostic workup, we do NOT performed laryngeal surgery.

Computed Tomography (CT) is currently the advanced diagnostic imaging modality of choice in veterinary dentistry and sinonasal disease. ADCS does not perform this imaging onsite, but does have relationships with imaging providers should CT be required in a case. Dr. Galloway does provide CT interpretation and case consultation as a service to other veterinarians.

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is being promoted for both small & large animal head diagnostics; however, in our opinion, this new technology is in it formative stages.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has minimal diagnostic advantage in most head cases.